Attention PE Teachers!

Did you know the following?

  1. You can book to use the track and field at Davies Reserve via Monash City Council? There is a charge for hiring of the track.  For enquiries, contact Recreation Services on 9518 3583. Further to any booking, the council will email us to ensure that it doesn’t affect our regular meetings. We will then contact you to offer the hire of any equipment you may need. 

        Charges to use our equipment are as follows:

  • Hurdles, Jump pit and throws or high jump- $100 each (maximum $300)
  • PA $100
  • Electronic timing gates $250

       Click here for more details and booking form.

  1. The Little Athletics Program for Schools (LAPS) provides students with the opportunity to take part in athletics-based sessions teaching fundamental motor and athletics skills with the use of modified equipment. LAPS runs throughout the whole year and is geared to the age and ability of students in grades Prep to 4. The sessions are generally run over one day consisting of up to a maximum of six x 45 minute sessions. For more information, visit the LAVic school page.
  2. During August/September, we contact many of the schools in our catchment area with details of our new season registration day so look out for further information. Typically we will provide flyers for distribution to students. Contact us for price information

Contact Us

To find out more information or if you have any questions, contact us:

  • Phone:    Panny Ng 0411 687 392
  • Email:
  • Address:  Davies Reserve, Talbot Avenue, Oakleigh South 3167