All Little Athletics centres have a club uniform. Not only does this create a sense of belonging for the athletes but it also identifies our athletes at external events. Oakleigh’s uniform requirements are as follows:
Every Little Athletics centre (as is the case for many children’s Saturday morning sports) is run by volunteers who give their time and energy for the love of athletics and seeing children enjoy themselves. Some volunteers like to give more than others but we do ask and expect that ALL parents will help out on a weekly basis. With a large amount of children to move around a number of track and field events, there’s a lot of crowd control needed! Add to this the fact that we need people to start the races, record the times, measure jumps and throws as well as set up and pack away equipment, plus man the canteen and BBQ, frankly there’s a lot needed to run a typical meeting. Click here to find out what’s needed.
Results HQ is an online tool that allows you to track your child’s progress through the season. We use it to log all results and it can do all sorts of cool stuff. You can create graphs and personal best reports for example. Click here to login to Results HQ . This is the information we will use to help determine the recipients of end of season awards.
Sometimes our Friday or Saturday meetings come under threat from the weather (extremely hot or soggy!). We will notify by email / social media post to advise if we are going ahead or not 1 hour prior to start of event. Just be mindful that whatever the weather, equip the kids with a hat, a long sleeved top, a water bottle and some sunscreen. That way, they are prepared for whatever Melbourne has in store for the day.
We are always looking for parents and carers and volunteers to help with the ongoing running of our centre.
Some of the duties requiring volunteers, but not limited to:
Find more information here